Hooked on Needles

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Learn to Crochet - Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch Video Tutorial

Finally another stitch to add to your Tunisian Crochet collection! It's called the Honeycomb Stitch and it is worked using the exact same method as the Seed Stitch in Knitting. Here is what it looks like on a small sample...

Tunisian Honeycomb StitchYou can see in this sample the honeycomb design that is created by alternating knit and purl stitches. The method is the same as seed stitch in knitting, but the result is quite different because of the characteristic vertical bars in Tunisian Crochet.

The Honeycomb stitch produces a thinner fabric than most other Tunisian Crochet Stitches that I have presented here. Another difference I noticed is quite a pleasant one...the bottom edge does not seem to want to curl up nearly as much as the other stitches. But as with all other Tunisian Crochet stitches, this one produces a fabric that has a definite right and wrong side, so you should take that into consideration if it is something you have a hang-up about like I do!

Here's a short video showing how to work the Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch. The written pattern follows.


Tunisian Honeycomb Stitch

NOTE: Beginning chain must be a multiple of 2 chains plus 1. The sample in the video was worked with a beginning chain of 11.

Click on the links below to refresh your Tunisian Knit and Purl skills!

Rows 1 and 2: Basic Tunisian Knit Stitch

Row 3: ch 1, *1 Tunisian Purl under next vertical bar, 1 basic Tunisian Knit under next vertical bar. * Continue from * to * across the row to the end.

Rows 4 and 6: yo, draw through 1 loop, *yo, draw through 2 loops. * Continue from * to * across the row.

Row 5: ch 1, *1 basic Tunisian Knit under next vertical bar, 1 Tunisian Purl under next vertical bar. * Continue from * to * across the row.

Repeat from Row 3.

Happy Stitching!

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